From the 19th to 20th of April 2023, the 7th General Assembly Meeting was held in Brussels (Belgium) under the patronage of ABEE. At this third hybrid meeting the work package leaders, as well as the project officer came together to discuss the current status of the ongoing tasks. Promising approaches for addressing the scientific challenges of solid-state batteries were discussed and strategies on how to continue with the project have been defined.
#SUBLIME, #allsolidstatebattery, #solidstatebattery, #sulfideelectrolyte, #Brussels, #EU, #Europe, #H2020
FEV Group, Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering (ABEE), CIC energiGUNE, Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S. / ADR, Centro Ricerche Fiat Scpa, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, MIMI Tech GmbH, Politecnico di Torino, Saft Batteries Pty Ltd, Solvay, TNO, Fraunhofer IST, CEA, Umicore, Uniresearch B.V.